Cotton Flat Strips

Cotton Flat Strips

Cotton Flat Strip is a by-product of the Spinning Yarn Industry, produced in the First Carding Machine. The fiber has higher trash compared to Comber Noil. It is mostly used in Open End Spinning for Blending with Good Quality Cotton.


Mostly used in Open End Spinning for Blending with Good Quality Cotton.


Blend: 100% Cotton.
Length: 23 mm to 24 mm for Grade-A || 22 mm to 24 mm for Grade-B.
Trash: Below 8% to 10% for Grade-A || 12% to 15% for Grade-B.
Packing: Standard Packing Bales of 140 to 155 kg.

Note: Due to continuous innovation and improvement, Specifications may change without notice.

Usage Applications

Making Mats & Mops.
Making Wiping Cloth & Cloth Dolls.
Used in Ring Spun Yarn.

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