Indian White Raw Cotton Bales

Indian White Raw Cotton Bales

India has advantage of growing all species of cotton. We can supply Raw Indian Cotton of varieties MCU-5, Shankar-6 (S-6), J-34 & MECH-1 of Indian origin.


Staple Length ranging from 27 to 31 mm.
Strength 28 to 34 GTP (HVI).
Mic. 3.8 to 4.8.
Used in Spinning.


VarietyStaple LengthMic.Strength GTP (HVI)
MCU – 529 mm to 32 mm3.8 to 4.831 to 34
Shankar – 628.5 mm to 31 mm3.8 to 4.829 to 33
MECH – 128.5 mm to 31 mm3.8 to 4.829 to 33
J-3427 mm to 29 mm3.8 to 4.928 to 30

Note: Due to continuous innovation and improvement, Specifications may change without notice.

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